2B and the Community

2B part of the community should be important to every business. 2B acknowledges the important role that ‘not for profit’ organisations play in our community. That’s why from day one we have supported numerous organisations in achieving their goals. After all, we want 2B good citizens.

How 2B Can Help Your Not-For-Profit Organisation

2B & The Environment

2B believes that creating and maintaining a sustainable company will have a positive influence on the world. 2B operates with minimal carbon emissions. Here are some of the ways in which 2B has greened itself.

Eco-Friendly Office

  • Switch all lighting to compact fluorescent.
  • Use of recycled paper where possible (including envelopes, and post-it notes!)
  • Paperless quotes and invoices are preferred.
  • Making the most of A4 paper, printing on both sides when appropriate, and reusing file folders and envelopes whenever possible.
  • Keeping the thermostat low in the winter, and using as little of the air conditioner as possible in the warmer months.
  • Making sure all electrical appliances including computers are turned off at the end of the day.
  • Allocating time and resources to staff to investigate and learn about environmental issues and new office practices that may benefit 2B or its clients.
  • Using online conference call technology to reduce vehicle usage travelling to and from meetings.

Eco-Friendly Design

When designing your printed materials, 2B utilises its experience in the printing industry to take full advantage of standard paper sizes, thus reducing the amount of waste on the production side of things. 2B implements green design practices such as double sided printing, smaller paper sizes, and no-bleed whenever appropriate. By doing these little things, it helps cut down on the waste incurred at the printers.

Sustainable Printed Materials

2B has established close relationships with “green” printers across the country who use sustainable materials such as 100% recycled paper stock and vegetable-based inks.